Today at noon - Dallas, TX. 39 degrees, and measurable snow fall 2 different times yesterday and today December 2nd & 3rd, 2009.
- Please I would be honored if you go verify this at Accuweather or Weather Channel etc. Weekend Forecast- Friday day into late Friday night = Houston, TX 4-5 inches expected maybe 6 inches of snow
. SOUTHWEST LOUISIANA= 4-6 inches of snow
in parts. MY GOD PEOPLE I'm going to buy a fucking Prius right now
(no offense Rocky...I was just on a roll HA).
Today, Al Gore's "handlers" (has there ever been anyone more gay/pathetic actually have a crew?), cancelled his big $1700 a plate dinner/speech at the MASSIVE Copenhagen G20 Climate Treaty Summit....WHY? not that 1 single ABC, CBS, or NBC high paid anchor would report but since "Climate-gate" happened last week OL' AL must be feeling a tinge uncomfortable.
Do you guys remember when all total freakin' HELL broke loose when some braniac figured out that it took Styrofoam a million years to biodegrade?
Oh my god, the heavens opened up and the earth stood still on its Axis, Sun didn't rise, and immediately Pal's Teas and coffee from about anywhere became a closer version of the anti-christ than Osama Bin Laden?
Give me a break guys. I don't mind that attention has been paid to simple and responsible things (recycling etc) that can & should be done to ease any future strain on natural resources, lower ozone concerns (OH GOD DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE DAMN OZONE fear-mongering that went on to the usual target of EVERYBODY including washington - "WE THE PEOPLE"...Remember I ASK again? It was twice as bad as the crackheads were over Y2K...and WHY in the holy hell is Michael DAMN Douglas still doing those stupid damn commercials everyday I listen to the radio for ozone, global warming, save the amoebas, my god let it go), create jobs which a free market and capitolist system ALWAYS does when its not interfered with, BUT as always it was taken to a ridiculous fear-mongering level to yet again take advantage of WE THE PEOPLE for a wide range of reasons including the obvious which is always there, MONEY & POWER, and then I think alot of folks don't realize who is really running this country in alot of arenas.....The DAMN hippies from the 60's at Woodstock...well they are all grown up now and are professors, investors, part of that 90% of Obama's cabinet that has never so much as worked at a Walmart in the private sector (meaning career politician or graduated and went straight to a "THINK TANK" to help figure out how the hell all of yet again WE THE PEOPLE should be acting, doing, and how to get us to do that which we are too stupid to do on our own therefore thank god for the think tanks.
I will never understand why, for at least the past 5 years minimum, that in almost every imagineable scenario WE THE DAMN PEOPLE are now the minority even though its beyond obvious we are the damn majority. I don't even want to hear about mistreatment of cultures, races, creeds, etc. I DON'T know anyone that ever owned a slave and NEITHER DO YOU so how did we get here?
THAT i think we will be finding out soon enough.
Off the soap box thanks for participating in this weeks MasterPiece Theatre
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