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Friday, June 3, 2011

The world is getting warmer: Romney | Reuters

Oh of this I can live with within reason....and it is one hell of a thin line with the rabid nut-job left that eats, sleeps, and breathes this garbage 24/7-365.

IMO, the emphasis always needs to be made that if GOD himself comes down from the heavens and tells us Global Warming is real and IT IS 100% our fault............OK, NOW WHAT?

We can't purposely start an exercise to send our entire population back to the lifestyle I grew up watching on Little House on the Prairie. Let the damn free market work and throw in a little bit of human/American conscience and it will fix itself.

The hell with Global Warming, because the damn alarmist won't (if given the keys to the car) let it come close to killing us...they will simply "Cass Sunstein" us to an end. So if either of their idelogies end in OUR END...can't we just go with something close to the free market and what i mentioned above?
AND speaking of ends let us end all the damn subsidies.
Oh and until we get a flat tax or fair tax or similar, the Oil Companies being able to write off losses IS NOT A FRIGGIN SUBSIDY. IT IS THE SAME accounting practice affording all other businesses that I am aware of.

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